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A Weekend of Ashtanga with Tim Feldmann

Attention Ashtangis of ALL Levels!! Tim Feldmann is back with us here in the Mitten in May! This weekend of practice and workshops is for everyone looking to deepen their practice in a fun and accessible way. Tim is an authorized Ashtanga teacher that began as a dancer/choreographer and a vinyasa practitioner, so he infuses his teaching with a unique blend of tradition and creativity, plus his infectious sense of humor. Not to be missed!!

Friday, May 3, 2024, 5:30: Guided Half Primary Series with Q&A

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 10a-12:30p: Guided Primary Emphasizing the Second Half

Saturday, May 4, 2024, 2-4:30p: Demystifying the Gateway Postures of the Primary Series (Bhujapidasana, Kurmasana, Supta Kurmasana) Sometimes we get stuck; our leg, shoulders or knees won’t go where we want them to and we feel more achy than happy when attempting the “higher notes” of our practice, also called the Gateway Postures, as they serve as indicators that our body has grown ready for the next level. This workshop addresses that issue! Focusing on technique, proper alignment and anatomical insights will help you understand how your body moves and how to progress to the next level of your aptitude. We set up for a detailed experience of the difficult gateway postures, slowly peeling off the layers that obstruct our view and motion required to find true freedom and power within.

Sunday, May 5, 2024, 9:00 -11:00 am: Guided Full Primary Series

Sunday, May 5, 2024, 11:30am-1:30 pm: Inversions, Headstands & Arm Balances In this workshop you will learn practical tools to turn upside down with stability, tranquility and grace. You will gain a thorough understanding of the anatomical patterns at play in your body while inverted. Detailing the shoulder mechanics helps you integrate your arms, spine, ribcage and hips to create a solid platform for accessible and pleasurable inversions whether on your head, hands, or elbows. We will play with simple to advanced asanas. ALL LEVELS WELCOME

Entire Weekend: $225

Single Class: $55

March 23

Assists and Adjustments with Jimmy Smalley

May 19

Strength and Inversions Workshop Series with Kelsie Sadler