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A Weekend of Ashtanga for Everybody with Kathy Cooper

Kathy Cooper began practicing Ashtanga Yoga in 1976, studying with David William, Nancy Gilgoff and Sri K. Pattabhi Jois. Her deep roots in Ashtanga and several other healing modalities inform her compassionate understanding of how to support and maintain a practice for a lifetime.

Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023:

10am-12pm Led Primary Series for Everybody

1:00-3:30pm Alignment Principles: Kathy with demonstrate and instruct students in these principles to support their practices and to avoid common injuries.

Sunday, Nov. 12, 2023:

10am-12pm Led Primary Series for Everybody

1:00-3:30pm Insights into Backbending and Inversions for All: Working with insights into backbending and inversions to open and deepen safely. Also, conversation about longevity of practice and Q&A.

Entire Weekend: $175; Single Workshop: $55

October 13

A Weekend of Ashtanga with Tim Feldmann

November 19

Strength and Inversions with Kelsie Sadler